Leonardo was born on April 15th, 1452 in Vinci, Italy & died in Amboise, France on May 2nd, 1519. He was born to Piero and Caterina da Vinci. Leonardo was motivated to always invent things because he was always a curious child, wanting to know how anything and everything worked. He's known for being an engineer, botanist, architect, mathematician, sculptor, anatomist, inventor, cartographer, geologist, and especially a painter.
I believe that Leonardo da Vinci was a historical significance in the world of Art and Science. His painting of Mona Lisa is known worldwide. It was said that he would carry a secret notebook filled with inventions, observations, and theories of many things, but they were always too complicated to interpret.
His most famous painting are the Mona Lisa and the Last Supper.
The Last Supper, which was painted in 1495-1498, was painted for the refectory of the city's monastery of Santa Maria delle Grazie. This is a fresco painting.
The Mona Lisa was painted sometime between 1503 & 1508. The woman in the picture has been a mystery for centuries. She is said to be Lisa del Giocondo, who was the wife of a Florence merchant, Francisco de Giocondo, but no one knows for sure.
The Mona Lisa was painted sometime between 1503 & 1508. The woman in the picture has been a mystery for centuries. She is said to be Lisa del Giocondo, who was the wife of a Florence merchant, Francisco de Giocondo, but no one knows for sure.