Friday, November 1, 2013

Roman Republic: The Government

Defining the Terms

Republic: The citizens are in charge of who is on the government branch. Before making decisions, the citizens would have to take a vote.
Senate: Assembly/Council of citizens having the important functions in a government.
Conflict of the Orders: A political struggle between the commoners & the aristocrats.
Patricians: A person of noble or high rank.
Plebeians: Belonging or pertaining to the common people.
Consuls: Appointed by the government to look after the country's commercial interest & thewelfare of the its citizens in other country.
Dictator: A person exercising absolute power.
Veto: Ability to cancel another’s decision.
Tribunes: Someone who upholds or defends the right of the people.
Assembly of Plebs: An assembly of commoners.
Censor: Two people who kept the register or census of the citizens.
Executive: The branch of government that executes or enforces the laws & policies.
Legislative: The branch of government that has the power to make laws.
Judiciary: The branch of government that interprets the laws & administration of justice.
Praetor: An officer of the law.
Twelve Tables: laws written on twelve bronze tablets.
The Cursus Honorum: Sequential order of public offices.

Question: How was the government of the Roman Republic organized?

The government of the Roman Republic was very open to the citizens. They had 3 different branches to divide their power & they were organized. There were many officers of the law that competed to be in the Cursus Honorum. In order to be elected as an official, you had to serve 10 years in the military. The government had military duties to take care of also. This flow of work helped make the government successful.