Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Roman Emperor: Hadrian

Ruled as Emperor
  • 117bc to 138bc



  • Aelius Afer (Father), Paulina Major (Mother), Paulina Minor (Sister), Antoninus & Aleus (Adoptive sons).
  • Born as Publius Aelius Hadrianus in Rome
  • Born on January 24, 76
  • Wanted to make Athens the cultural capital of the Empire
  • Died at Baiae

  • Rebuilt the Pantheon, constructed the Temple of Venus & Roma, & built Hadrian's Wall
  • Used his relationship with Antinous, his favorite Greek, to underline his love for Greek culture & it led to the creation of one of the most popular cults of ancient times
  • Continued & expanded the practice of Alimenta - Where citizens were able to borrow state money

Cause of Death
  •  Possible heart failure

Historical Significance
  • Considered as a capable emperor
  • Consolidated Roman territory after the expansion of Trajan
  • Tightened the discipline on the army & gave the empire firm government
  • The only emperor to travel to the provinces of the entire empire
  • Evaluated Rome's defense & prosperity and improved it