Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Roman Pretest

Learning Targets

  • 3.1 - Differentiate Roman Republic form Roman Empire
  • 3.2 - Explain past & present impacts of Roman culture
  • 3.3 - Analyze factors in collapse of Western Roman Empire

Personal Learning Goal

To understand exactly how the Roman Empire fell.

Essential Questions

  • When, where, & how was Rome founded?
A long time ago, Italy, some niggas went exploring.
  • How was the government of the Roman Republic organized?
  • When & how did the Republic turn into an Empire?
  • How was the government of the Empire organized?
  • When, where, why, and how did the Romans expand?
  • What are Rome's greatest architectural & technological developments?
Statues, decorative posts.
  • What was important in Roman culture?
Gods, human sacrificing, and blood & violence.
  • Who were important Roman leaders?
King Augustus.
  • What caused the collapse of the Roman Empire?
People messed with other people's business.
  • How did Rome alter history?

  • How does Rome affect us today?
Without Rome, we wouldn't know how to make spaghetti or any other italian food.
  • What lessons can be learned from Roman history?
Don't mess with Romans.